Since I don't post much anymore I might as well post about the dreams I've been having lately. If you know me it's no secret that I have weird dreams, and I have them frequently. It probably has to do with the fact I have a small bladder and have to go to the bathroom a few times a night so I am constantly interrupting my dream cycle.
Usually my dreams are a mash of events or discussions I've had that day. I also have some reoccurring dreams or places in dreams. I don't read into what my dreams mean because I think I would be walking around confused or think I am really messed up or something. I don't think that God speaks to me through dreams. I think he gave me these weird dreams because he knows I like weird movies and my dreams are much cooler and more weird than anything Hollywood is producing.
Dreamlog: Friday 3/27
This dream is a two-parter with both parts only being linked by robots. The first part is a little hazy but the gist is that I am some kind of robot killer from what used to be earth. We have been run out by "the robots" and are now a rogue civilization. I went back to destroy the robots. I flew down on a blue, sunny day and found myself in a scattered landscape of dead robot parts. I hid under some kind of dome thing watching robots fly over. I would occasionally shoot one down and hide again. I remember always being scared of being found out but I never did.
Next part: the future. We're in the same location but instead of being a landscape with robot guts it's full of kids all playing different sports. Apparently we took back over the planet and we're all prospering. This field is now a part of Oakesdale the town I grew up in. This vast field system lies on the edge of town where the football field is in Oakesdale. At the edge of the real life football field is a hill with some houses on it, those are in my dream as well. But instead of the real Kilpatrick house lies a large mansion with a tall shrubbery wall around it.
So we're all playing kickball on these fields and I have this friend who's a robot. It's illegal for robots to hurt humans and as we're playing somehow a robot kills a little kid. I don't know if it was my robot or another but we knew we needed to hide. So we ran to the mansion. We ran around the shrubs and found an opening and snuck inside.
Inside the house we were sneaking around even though I knew the owners very well. We got on this little elevator (like they have in old big houses for food and stuff) and went to the next floor (up or down?). We saw the owner, he was doing some light spackling on a wall and we tried to sneak around him but he spoke to us. He asked us what we needed and that we were welcome to anything. I said this was my friend and we were staying the night.
He said okay and we all went into the basement. The basement was a dirt floor with all kinds of junk but it wasn't too cluttery. We walked over to a desk where there were many flashlights. Many of them were the kind we had when I was little, the kind you plug in and it works for a while. They were all dead. We found a good one that was big and the robot and I proceeded up a spiral staircase to the next level up. What we found there blew my mind.
We were smack dab in the middle of a scary room I've had from other dreams. Imagine a room a perfect square about 40x40 feet and seemingly infinite vertically. The walls resemble the inside of an old barn or warehouse, planks that are warped, bending, or holed up that let the only light in the room in. So it's dark with cracks of dim light seeping through. Everything's dusty, dark, and rickety. This aspect never changes, but was does change every dream is the configuration of what is inside the room. I know that my goal is to make it to the top of the room, but the paths available are always changing. It's usually an array of scaffolding, ladders, stair cases, monkey bars, pipelines, foot bridges, and different platforms. The way it's all layed out changes with every dream. I remember one dream I made it to the top with this girl and at the top she jumped off and I jumped after her and caught her right before the ground and we froze and I woke up.
So back to the story. I am scared right now as I've faced this room before. Did I mension that it's haunted as well? Yeah there are evil spirits there always trying to thwart my efforts to reach the top. So I'm scared but the robot is calm as he doesn't have feelings. So we start up all the different ladders and platforms to get to the top. Everything is going well when the spirit made some scarry sounds which would have made me run except the robot wasn't scared so he gave me some strength. We went on. Then as we were approaching the top to Orcs from LOTR came into view behind us and we started to run up a ladder onto a foot bridge. As soon as they showed their faces above the bridge I shot them in the eyes with a paintball gun I somehow fabricated. They fell down out of view.
We made it too the top where there was two large platforms. On the platform we arrived at was a women sitting behind a desk. She was in her early 60's with silver shoulder-length straight hair. She was kind of short, stout and wearing a purple skirt suit thing. She looked very professional and her desk had no dust on it.
She said she was expecting me and Roboty (of possibly Roboddy). I never knew his name until that point. She said that she was the spirit behind all the different things in that room. She was in control of the room and the whole house. Since we made it to the top the room and the mansion were now mine. The owners in it now made it to the top and that's how they aquired the house. They were ready to move on, so I made it to the top. It was now mine. She pulled out files of the other times I've attempted to make it to the top. She mensioned the time when Michael from LOST season 1 and I tried to get to the top and we were swayed by some scarry sounds, which is actually from another dream. I remembered in in my dream that I had tried before.
Then I woke up. That was it. The one question I have from it is: the next time I have a dream with the room will I be in charge of it or am I going to try to get to the top again? I mean technically I own it so I should have as much access to it I want. But who know, maybe I'll have a dream with the room soon and the question will be answered.
Re: robots: Have you been watching *Blade Runner* or reading PK Dick's *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?*?? Serious overlap there, dude.
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