This semester is kind of kicking my A. I'm taking four classes which is one more than I took last semester and these classes require much more time than the last ones. Physical Modeling is a two parter: 1) learn interesting digital audio process through math and diagrams 2) Implement in C Sound (or MAX). The MAX stuff I kind of get, but C Sound is brand new to me and it's ripping me a new one.
Then there's Analytical Techniques II which is a theory course from 1700-1900. This is a pretty large time frame for only one semester. We just took the midterm today and it was an analysis of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.1, III Allegro. We got the piece on Tuesday and of course I wait until this morning at 6 am to start my analysis. This was cutting it close as the test was at 1 and I had a recording gig at 11-1. I woke up in a panic and started to get to work. My brain was fried by the test and he packed a 1:30 hour test in an hour which meant I was writing as fast as I could the entire time (then with a few minutes left I had a pencil malfunction which almost made me run out of time). Now I am a fast test taker. I am usually one of the ones to finish first and I rarely change an answer after I answer it. This test was four questions and I wrote as fast as I could and still was almost last in the class. So that means my answers were too long or I'm a slow thinker, but that couldn't be it as I was literally writing the entire time with no real thinking. I think I did well, at least the 'top' grade for this teacher, a B, so I think I'll get a B and be done with it. But I'm pretty sure I nailed a few questions that the answer was kind of hidden.
My lessons this semester are also less than spectacular. I am studying with the different guest composers and when I'm not with them I'm with Dr. May. This has been very troublesome and I really haven't written anything yet. I'm going to write a mass which is no small task and I'm just so busy that I'm not getting the time I want.
It's going to be a push to get to spring break. Pauline Oliveros is going to be here and I'm performing in a few pieces of hers. One is a part of NOVA, our new music ensemble (the fourth class I'm taking) and it's an improv with like 12 other people. The other (and more scary) are a set of two pieces called "The Well and the Gentle" which I'm performing with the improv group I've been apart of this year (Sarah Summar, Scott Price, and Ben Johansen are all in it). It's a little exposed with four people, two guitars, sax, violin. We haven't performed either and we'll be premiering at this concert in front of a lot of people and Oliveros. I'm a bit nervous to say the least! This is all coming up in the next few weeks. Crazy time.
God let me make it to spring break.
1 comment:
Hey, son, I know you can accomplish anything you set out to do. complete confidence in you. go for it. love and miss you, mom
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