It's official. I'm 30.
It's been a date looming over my head through my mid-late 20's (27-29). I look at it like I'm in my late 20's now. But honestly, I look forward to my 30's, I think it's time I became a man and what better time than to leave the decade that the beginning of my walk with Christ began. He's been faithful to beginning the maturing process in me and I look forward to walking down that road more with him in the next decade. I really desire to let him mold me into a man that desires to follow him and him only.
It's been interesting the last month how some epiphanies have really struck home. The main one has been meditating on obedience to Jesus. He doesn't command us to make any grand oaths or whatnot, just to simply let our yes be yes and our no be no. I've gotten caught in the web of oaths and there's no substance to them. There is a lot of power in saying yes or no in the moment. Maybe power is not quite the word, perhaps pressure is a better word. As much as we all have convictions, we still have to choose in that moment to be faithful to them. I've been warned in many cases by the Spirit to choose rightly, but unfortunately for much of my time following Jesus I've chosen what I want over what's best for me.
I love the idea of obeying Jesus. It will bring me more joy than anything else. It's not a legalistic thing, or that I have to follow the 'rules', but that Jesus wants me to obey him and that's how I can really show him that I love him. It's me listening to him, loving him, and following him, even when my wicked heart desires something more. The object is always cheaper than the trade off when I'm disobedient. Finding joy and contentment in the Lord is the only path for joy and contentment for the soul and I've often been without peace. I want to be clear that it's not a one-to-one ratio where I do something for God and he does something for me. That's ridiculous and not biblical. He's already done it all for me and he wants me to rejoice in that through making him my all. If he isn't he has a funny way of destroying our idols (which often hurts at the time but is much better after).
I'm walking through a time of patience on him and I'm so thankful for it. I don't need more idols in my life but to be seeking him only. Psalm 62 says a lot to me right now.
For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.
Being patient and obedient with the Lord is where he had me on this occasion of me turning 30. It's a good place and I'm very blessed and thankful for his faithfulness.
God wasted nothing in Paul's or Timothy's background. He won't waste anything in your background either, if you will allow Him to use you!!
I agree that God doesn't waste anything in our backgrounds. I have walked a path designed by the Lord and He is currently using that to His glory.
Can you explain more of the last statement? "If you allow Him to use you!!" I'm trying to get the sentiment behind it, as in, am I currently not allowing Him to use it like it's something I can withhold? Or more that I dwell in the past and regret and that it's been redeemed, reconciled, and to be used for His glory?
Anyways, I appreciate the comments! God bless.
Just a general statement. If we will allow Him to use us, our background/past is never wasted. He can be glorified in it. Just an encouraging word. Sorry for the confusion.
Totally agree. It's truly amazing to see how god takes all our life and claims it for his glory. I gave my testimony last month and it amazing to see how god has worked through my life and it was cool to share it others. Only by his grace can that type of thing happen. Thanks for the encouragement!
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