It's interesting to be confronted with issues that stem from my heart's idolatry. Last week Beau spoke about the 'deep' idols, the ones that drive all the others. I believe mine are comfort and acceptance. Those two things pretty much have a hand in almost all of my decision making, as well as my other idols.
I've been confronted with some pretty sick things in my heart of late. Well, not of late in my development as a human, they've always been there and I'm now starting to see them. God has been calling out my pride through the form of being accepted lately. It's really hard to take. We all want to be special, and especially now in our social climate. I'll admit I love getting praise and feeling like people like me. I fight this as a teacher all the time, I want them to be my friends instead of being their teacher. (I guess I'm a lot more like Michael Scott that I realized....)
I want to be special. I really do. The thing is, I am. Not to anyone on this planet. But to the Creator of this planet. The One who literally spoke everything I can see, feel, touch, think, and experience into being. He simply spoke. This God also sent his Son so that I could be free. He didn't save me while I was good but before the foundations of the world were put in place and while I was actively rebelling against him. I am special to Jesus. He has my name written on his hand, not just my name, but my real name, the name He gives to me. A totally unique name that only He knows.
He and he alone is my sufficiency. When I need affirmation, I need it from Him. When I am feeling insecure, he is my security. When I am rebelling and running, He runs with me and angles me back.
He shows me this wicked heart so that I will cling to the cross more. Because in myself I have no hope for reconciliation, but through Him I do. When I start to wander I get this vivid picture in my mind of me at the crucifixion literally laying on the ground with my arms wrapped around the cross, around Jesus. I hold on so tightly to that, to have him be my sufficiency. Then after a bit I start to feel good and stand up on my own two legs. Then I take a step away from the cross on my own. I literally get two steps away and start to waver, so I turn back to the cross and fall with arms open to grab it. It's still there. He's waiting for me. I grasp and I don't let go, until I get to prideful and stand up again on my own.
Always go to the cross, to Jesus. His gesture is the most meaningful one we have and will ever have. Cling to it.
Sanctification is simply dwelling daily in our justification. Never get past the cross.
Ah, this is so good. Yes, cling to Jesus! :)
very encouraging, thanks
@onefinepearl, thanks! Heart is still sick, I'm still redeemed and I'm starting to learn that at deeper levels than I've ever experienced. :)
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