Thursday, October 29, 2009

yet again....

I get these symptoms that doctors can't make any sense of.  It's always with my digestion tract.  This case knocked me out the last few days, which in the middle of the week seems to make the whole week void.  I went to the student health center and the doctor didn't know what it was.  She said it wasn't my appendix which is good.  I started to feel ill two days ago with an upset stomach and tired achy body.  Then last night I got a pain in my right side.  So I'm on the BRAT diet for today and maybe tomorrow.  I pray that I get better as this isn't getting worse or better.  I need to become functional again!  If I can get better tomorrow then I can work through the weekend and get back on track. 


Koch Clan said...

Seriously, I think you have IBS. Combined with stress. I hope you feel better. And that the diet works. Keep me posted.

Unknown said...

Keep me posted too. I worry about you. Mom